Thursday, July 29, 2010

Salvage Yard Field Trip

Last weekend I had a hankering to get over to Berkeley to a couple of my favorite salvage yards.  It was nice to get out of the heat here in the valley and feel the cool breeze from the San Francisco Bay. First stop:

Urban Ore

You definitely need to be prepared for this place. It's not exactly like walking into your neighborhood hardware just never know what to expect, except the unexpected. It's huge, funky, friendly, always interesting, a little smelly, and usually worth the trip. I wish I had room in my truck for these big pieces when I go out to sell at the antique shows.

This even looked good upside down.

I'd get so much more accomplished if I had this kind of
space to keep myself organized.....yeah, right.

They had dozens of these.
Maybe for that "one of these days" home theater.

See Spot slide.  Slide, Spot, slide.

They come with a matching bath tub.

Way back in my birdhouse and picture frame making days, we would head over here every few months for a good wood hunt.  We used to be able to come away with the most beautiful, colorful, chippy, and decorative wood.  It's been a while since I've seen any of the good stuff, but I've moved in a different direction with my repurposing anyway. 

They still have a great selection of doorknobs

My next stop was Ohmega Salvage.  They have a gorgeous selection of mantels, hardware, doors, windows, bathroom fixtures, lighting, architectural beauties, and furniture.  Too bad my camera battery died back at Urban Ore:-(

I'll clean these escutcheons up a little and then use them in my jewelry creations.
I also bought a few silver trays and 4 candle molds.  I don't think the molds are
too old, but they're rusty, crusty, and tarnished.  I was thinking of using them as
a vase or to hold utensils.  They need a little bling added first.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Goodies from the Rose Bowl Flea Market

It's been about 5 years since "The Home Girls" made it down to the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena, Ca.  We had to adopt that name when a sweet lady having an estate sale saw us pull up in our rented 12 passenger white van. Since the step down from the sliding side door was so far from the ground, we used a stool to help us get in and out.  Mrs. Estate Sale Lady witnessed this and took me aside and asked,  "Are they from the home?"  I politely held in my laughter until we were all safely back in our home van. 

The flea market was fun as always,  but most of my purchases were made at estate sales, garage sales and a few antique stores.  It was a little warm the day of the flea market and just too many clothing booths.  I did get a good haul of vintage jewelry for repurposing, some old keys, and an enormous bag of old silverware for stamping.  I'll have to get some pictures of those for another post.  My favorite booth of the day belonged to Irma Robles Haraughty of Cosas Bellas.  Irma's beautiful displays drew me right into her booth.....everything, especially her tiered silver display was a treat to the eye. 

I just love old silver and Irma had some beautiful pieces

A few jewels to repurpose from several different vendors

I thought these scissors were interesting but kind of scary looking.
The folding rulers and child's chair with a red metal
frame were camera shy.

Bingo!  I used to make earrings out of these. 

4 painted serving trays in really good condition,
silver bowls and an old rubber stamp holder.

This old pine chair is as solid as a rock, but the green mini
print seat has to go.  I was thinking of burlap? 

I bought about 2 dozen vintage Valentines and post cards.
All were 75% off.

This one is my favorite.

This is just a part of a yard long photo.  It's wound up really tight and I'm
afraid it might crack..... not sure how to display it.
Is there a way to safely flatten these, or should I leave that to a buyer?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just a few yard sale finds

I was really hoping for a better haul when I ventured out for my morning junk fix up in Ashland.  I had several sales on my list, but unfortunately I did more driving than buying.  Oh well, you just never know what you'll find.....or won't find.

I started the day by arriving 10 minutes early for the first sale, but those folks weren't going to let anyone near their stuff before the official opening - why don't you say "no early birds" in your ad?  No time for waiting around.  The next one took me and my large truck that doesn't exactly turn on a dime, to the top of a hill where I encountered a very steep and narrow gravel driveway.  I couldn't risk it.  I was sure I'd be stuck down there with no way out.  Next, I was the 2nd vehicle in a caravan of 4 to make it up to the top of another narrow road only to find a locked gate.  What fun it was for all of us to get turned around up there. The next few didn't open until 9:00, so I stopped by a coffee shop for nourishment before trying my luck again.  Back on the road again and finally some purchase worthy items and flat terrain!!!  Last on my list, a 10:00 sale with "absolutely no early birds" in their ad - a huge barn sale full of antiques.  I drove about 7 miles out of town and according to my GPS, it was another 3 miles to my destination after I had reached the narrow gravel road.  Then, at 10:00 and less than 1 mile from my destination...... another locked gate.  Was there another way around?  Did my GPS fail me?  Do the sales around here require appointments?  Ten minutes later, still no sign of Mr. or Mrs. barn owner coming to unlock the gate.  I also ventured out in the afternoon for a great sounding 2:00 sale....I didn't buy anything, but at least I was able to park.  I'm sure I spent more money on gas than on my goodies, but I love exploring new territory and came away with a few finds from only two of the sales.

I just love reading through old books.  I'm not sure what's more amusing -
  what they say or how they say it.

What's better with your shoes off?

"Anatomy Physiology Hygiene"
 I haven't had a chance to sit down with the 1891 California school text book yet,
but I'm sure it's worthy of a good bottle of wine and a few laughs with friends. 

I never got past the ant poison recipe in this 1928 cookbook. 

I love old hats and couldn't resist these...what a deal.
I got a double dose of excitement when I looked through the old
newspaper they were stuffed from 1971.

These were on the same page....where's the warning not
to take them together?

I loved this one.  I have two theories on the logic behind the
"married man" request.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

4th of July Craft Show

I recently returned from a mini working vacation in Ashland, Oregon.  Oh, what fun! I participated in their 4th of July Craft Show in Lithia Park.  What a beautiful spot.  My good friend Pam recently relocated there and now she's going to have a hard time keeping me away. 

This was the first time I had an entire booth set up with only jewelry.  I usually have a mix of antiques and collectibles along with a table of jewelry.

My booth was in a nice shady spot under the trees.  The people next to
me were selling sure was tempting.  Fortunately, there was
no time for relaxation.  I really enjoyed meeting so many new people and
never had time for a break.

Old keys embellished with vintage earrings.

Vintage watches converted into necklaces.
You can pry open the face and add your own picture.
That's Glinda the Good Witch on the left.

Since Ashland is home of the world famous
Oregon Shakespeare Festival, I made up a few dozen Shakespeare
 related items using vintage typewriter keys and hinged picture frames.
The festival runs from February-October and has been going for 75 years now.

Lithia Park

This creek was just behind the bushes in back of my booth.
It felt so good to stick my feet in that cold water at the end of the day.
Sign me up again for next year.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My First Blog Post, Finally

I've been "mind blogging" for a couple of months now and finally decided to just take the plunge. I've hesitated because I was always worried about having time for a blog; even my website doesn't get updated nearly as often as it should. I decided that this is something I really want to do, so now I can stop lurking in the background and join the fun with such inspiring bloggers.  I'm just so amazed with all the sharing and creativity out there. It's time to come out and share what I do and what I love.

I'll be sharing my flea market, garage sale, estate sale, and antique show adventures. Sometimes I bring home my treasures, clean them up and sell them.......

The Roseville Spring Antique Market
April, 2010

Sometimes I repurpose what I find and make something fun........

Sassy bowling pin gal

A well used rake and lamp parts can make an interesting picture holder

She's now retired from painting

I especially love making jewelry from bits and pieces of the past.....buttons, typewriter keys, broken vintage jewelry, game pieces, sheet music, rosary beads, hardware, watches, photos, and just about anything else that can be turned into something beautiful and unique.....

The necklace on top was made with the clasp from a
Victorian photo album

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