Friday, August 29, 2014

Then and Now: 103 Years Later

It was two years ago today when I published this post One Hundred and One Years Later featuring an August, 1911 issue of The Designer Magazine and an August, 2012 issue of InStyle Magazine.  I had so much fun going through these two very different, yet very similar magazines, so I thought I'd re-share it today and re-name it Then and Now: 103 Years Later.

I was going through some my antique fashion magazines recently looking for just the right pictures to fill a few old frames.  I was lucky enough to find an entire suitcase full of these antique magazines at a yard sale last summer and I'm still having fun every time I go through them searching for interesting graphics.  This issue of The Designer caught my eye when I noticed it was from August 1911 - one hundred and one years ago.  

My mission for finding some interesting pictures to fill the old frames came to an immediate halt when I got the urge to get out my August 2012 issue of InStyle and do a little 
comparison browsing.

I was hooked as soon as I had this current issue of InStyle and the one hundred and one year old issue of The Designer side by side. Then I thought it would be fun to put a few collages together showing similar beauty products, accessories, clothing, and poses.  It was a good thing I had other projects on my to-do list that day because I could have gone on and on....

Our style has changed over and over throughout the years, but we're still trying to be the best we can be. We still want our skin to look younger, our hair to be healthier, our bodies to look thinner, our clothes to be stylish, our lingerie to look good (without the non-rustable corsets), and our shoes and accessories to coordinate.  We still need our sweet desserts, a refreshing drink, and of course, a little romance too.

Don't forget that the Vintage Inspiration Link Party starts here every Tuesday at 5:00pm PST.  When you join the party your links will show up on all three blogs: My Salvaged Treasures, Knick of Time, and Beyond the Picket Fence.  We'll also be adding another blogger as co-host next week!
 We'd love to see your vintage and vintage inspired projects, finds, repurposed creations, family heirlooms, and vintage or vintage inspired items you have for sale.

I'm looking forward to a relaxing birthday weekend away.  How about you?  Any fun plans?
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Labor Day holiday.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Vintage Inspiration Party

Vintage Inspiration Link Party

Friday, August 22, 2014

Salt & Pepper Shaker Necklaces

Remember the plate of salt and pepper shakers I shared last week?  This is what they look
like now.....

sterling silver salt pepper shakers
All dressed up and ready to be loved again.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law gave me these tiny salt and pepper shakers that belonged to her parents.  No one in the family was interested in them, so she offered them to me knowing I'd be able to do something with them.  It was impossible to remove all the dents and tarnish, but I think it just adds to their character.

salt and pepper shaker necklaces
Decorated pearls and glass beads hang from the wrapped loops on the bottom. 

repurposed jewelry from salt and pepper shakers
The tops had to be well dressed too, so I added some bling and beads.

I added decorative flower connectors to these two.  The one on the right had a lid that I thought was smashed beyond repair, but I didn't give up on it and eventually got it to screw back on.  It must have been through a few wild dinner parties.

I mixed and matched different chains and clasps. 

Seven of the shakers are marked sterling.

One is marked S. Pewter S.C.

I added a small bead cap between the shaker top and bottom to prevent the head pin from pulling through the hole in the soft silver.  I had good intentions of doing this as a full tutorial, but these things were so difficult to photograph.  I finally had to give up on that idea if I ever wanted to finish them.

Hmm, I'm thinking they'd also make mighty fine Christmas tree ornaments or lamp pulls.

I told my sister-in-law that I wanted her to have one for herself and for each of her two daughters.  They chose #2, #6, and #7, then I chose #8 with its rescued lid.  I know they'll be worn with love and fond memories of where they came from.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Vintage Inspiration Link Party

vin-tage (adj.)  1.) used to describe something that is not new but that is valued because of its good condition, attractive design, etc.  2.) used to describe something that has the best qualities or characteristics of the things made or done by a particular person, organization, etc.

I want to thank everyone for sharing their vintage treasures at last week's first official Vintage Inspiration Party.  When you link up with Vintage Inspiration Party you get triple the exposure because your link will also be seen at Knick of Time Interiors and Beyond the Picket Fence.   It was really difficult for me to choose the features from last week because there were so many creative and inspirational links.  Here's a small sample of what caught my eye: 

Laura from Paint Scribbles shared a tutorial on how she transformed this antique secretary.  The color is so yummy!

Diane from Adirondack Girl @ Heart took us on a tour of the Shaker Heritage Society.  This post is full of interesting history.

Audrey from Timeless Treasures shared these three gorgeous stained glass windows that are hung in front of a large window in her home.  Stunning!

Connie from Crafty Goodies tells us how she prettied up a plain old galvanized bucket.  I love the embellishments.

How clever is this?  Faye from Wild Rose Vintage used an old box spring to display photos and other vintage treasures.

Sally from Salmagundi shared some of her vintage sewing collectibles including this sweet toy Singer sewing machine that was given to her years ago.

We can't wait to see your vintage inspired links!!

Vintage Inspiration Link Party Guidelines
-  You are welcome to share anything vintage or vintage inspired.  This includes yard sale finds, repurposed and upcycled creations, family heirlooms, and even vintage or vintage inspired items you have for sale.  If it's been around awhile or just looks that way...share away!!  No food links please.
-  Pin away, but please be sure to pin directly from the original source, not from my blog.
-  Be sure to have a visible link to My Salvaged Treasures (text link is fine) within your post.
-  By linking up with the Vintage Inspiration Party you agree that your photos and links may be shared on Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media sites.  You may be included in a round up to promote the party or individually with a link back to you.  We love what you share and the extra exposure is a benefit to everyone.

Let's get this party started!

An InLinkz Link-up

Friday, August 15, 2014

Another Batch of Vintage Silverware Necklaces

I've been busy cutting, filing, drilling, stamping, polishing, and decorating some of the silverware that I've hoarded accumulated over the last couple of months.  I finally finished at least two dozen necklaces and some stamped silverware plant markers after a little mishap with the hacksaw and my finger.  Ouch!

repurposed vintage silverware necklaces stamped embellished necklaces
Do you recognize any of these patterns from your childhood? 

#mysalvagedtreasures silverware handle necklaces vintage DIY
I'm almost positive that the Queen Bess pattern on the left is the one my parents had when we were growing up.  I'll have to check with my mom about that because it looks so familiar.  

DIY repurposed silverware handle necklaces embellished pendants
These were decorated with flower charms and part of a vintage sweater clip.

vintage DIY necklaces made from silverware handles
Bits and pieces of salvaged jewelry and a sweet little starfish charm.

#mysalvagedtreasures repurposed silverware DIY necklaces
I have plenty more that never made it in front of the camera or to my Etsy shop, so they'll be coming with me to my next show in September.    

repurposed DIY silver salt and pepper shaker necklaces
My next jewelry project involves these sweet little salt and pepper shakers.  All they need is a little polishing and a lot of love, then they'll be good to go...dents and all.

What's on your workbench these days?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Vintage Inspiration Link Party #150

Welcome to the first official Vintage Inspiration Party! 

I'm so excited to be a co-hosting the new Vintage Inspiration Link party along with Becky from Beyond the Picket Fence and Angie from Knick of Time Interiors.  We are so happy you are here to share and to be inspired by all things vintage!!  

vin-tage (adj.) 1.) used to describe something that is not new but that is valued because of its good condition, attractive design, etc. 2.) used to describe something that has the best qualities or characteristics of the things made or done by a particular person, organization, etc.

We can't wait to see your vintage inspired links!  Becky chose some wonderful and creative features this week.....

Creating a Life repurposed a chippy table top.

Revisionary Life shared her living room--so many lovely things to see.

I love how Simply Country Life updated this vintage medicine cabinet.

A yummy, shabby coral dresser from D.D.'s Cottage.

Redoux Interiors shows us how to create a French inspired paint finish.

Vintage Inspiration Link Party Guidelines

-  You are welcome to share anything vintage or vintage inspired.  This includes yard sale finds, repurposed and upcycled creations, family heirlooms, and even vintage or vintage inspired items you have for sale.  If it's been around awhile or just looks that way...share away!
-  No food links please.
-  Be sure to link up your specific post, not your blog.
-  Pin away, but please be sure to pin directly from the original source, not from my blog.
-  Be sure to have a visible link to My Salvaged Treasures (text link is fine) within your post.

Let's get this party started!!!  

An InLinkz Link-up

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